For the Heavy Skeptic Part 2.5

Why the 2.5 you ask? Because It’s much more asthetic to have 3 Reasons and not 4, and I have 4 that I think I ought to share. Argument From Reason I have seen multiple variants of this argument expounded on and defended by Victor Reppert in Dangerous Idea and Alvin Plantinga in Where the Conflict…

Short Story

One of my short stories: The Tale of Mr. Cato Aonman. A lot of the ideas I implemented can be found in “Miracles” by C S Lewis, “Warrant and Proper Function” and “Warrant and Christian Belief” by Alvin Plantinga. I also threw in Wormwood and Screwtape from Lewis’s “Screwtape Letters”. I’m not going to pretend…

For the Heavy Skeptic Part 2

2. Epistemic Possibility Every person perceives the world through a faculty, or a number of them, and as is also obvious, our worldviews are based intensively from these perceptions- and when i say perceptions, I include both reason and sensuous perceptions; Perception with reason is the Mind’s eye, and perception with the senses through the…